Current Issue

Date:  December 2023

Volume No:  12

Issue No:  1

Online ISSN:  2307-7921

Download Volume No. 11, Issue No. 2

Table of Contents

Research Articles

Impact of National Culture on Stock Markets’ Returns and Volatility: Evidence from BRICS-P
M. A. Khan, H. Shabbir

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Does Corruption Impede the Influence of Women Empowerment on Economic Growth? Empirical evidence from BRICS Countries
H. Javed

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Assessing the Moderating Role of Supervisor Support in Amplifying Total Quality Management Practices and Project Performance within Pakistan’s Manufacturing Sector Post-Covid-19: An Empirical Study
I. Mehmood, R. Z. Ghafoor, M. Shafiq, S. J. A. Kazmi

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The Impact of Personality Traits and Organizational Factors on IT Project Success with Moderating Effect of Environmental Factors: Evidence from Pakistan
J. Khurshid, K. Shafi, M. Waseem. M. H. Usman, A. Fayyaz

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Negotiating Employment Contracts: An Experimental Study
S. Gul, Y. Arafat

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